Sunday, July 18, 2010

I have White Power/Being white is being a celebrity

Imagine this scenario. You are driving home from work along the highway and see Brad Pitt walking along the side of the road. As you pass he looks at you wanting a ride. Would you give him a lift? Of course you would! Why? Why not! He’s not going to rob you, he’s rich so why would he want your money. Will he beat you up? No, he’s not a criminal, if he was you would know about it. Plus he’ll be really fun to talk to, he comes from a world of the rich and famous. If he won’t take you to that world at least he can tell you about it. If you had something you thought he’d like you’d give it to him without asking for money. And when the ride was over, you’d try to get his phone number in hopes that you could be friends.

I am Brad Pitt. I have this magical power, this “White Power” where I can do things that nobody else can do. I can borrow money, go into shops, use offices and many other things completely freely, because I am trusted, because I’m white. I can walk along the road and cars will pull over and give me a ride for free, even taxis! Almost everyone wants to be my friend, people stop and say hi to me when they would have ignored someone else. I get treated with so much respect and am always offered the best of whatever is available. Even other white people treat me differently than they would a black. They trust me more, believe what I tell them, invite me to their parties and homes. Why? Because I’m white. I’m rich and come from a world that most people would cut off their arm to get into.

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